Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's All Good. Well, mostly

I haven't posted anything in a long while, so I wanted to drop a quick line or two in case anyone actually reads this besides me.

I plan on blogging some more soon. Until that time know that my life is slowly returning to some semblance of normal. I still get struck by how quiet my home life is now from time to time. I was wondering the other night if the reason I chat online so much nowadays is because it gets lonely here. *shrug*

That line of thought is for another time.



Anonymous said...

You are in my prayers Jeffrey.

Vic Mansfield said...

J., thanks for "following" my blog. I've read through yours. What sadness you bear. Thank you for sharing your tender memories and difficult struggles. Prayers ascend.

Geoff said...


I found your very special blog by accident, and just wanted to send you a virtual hug. Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to read of your loss Jeff. I've been through the same thing, and I hope you find happiness again like I did with Dyl. Big Hug ((()))

Jonno x

Daniel said...

hey Jeff,
I still read your blog and get updates by rss through google :)

you are one of the most lovely people I have met online and I am sorry its quiet at home now and you feel a little lonely, I often do :(

so wanted to send you a *big hug* and you can talk to me anytime! xx

(and new blog updates yay!)